Certificate in Bible Studies

The Certificate in Biblical Studies is a program that is scheduled to be completed within a 12 to 15-month period covering aspects of the Christian faith, theological topics, church history and ministerial ethics.

What's included?

  • 6 Courses
  • 50+ ILT Sessions
  • Assessments
  • Certificate of Completion for each courses


Grow and fellowship with like-minded people from across different demographics at every session


Enhance your spiritual knowledge about God, different aspects of theology and how you can better your devotional and ministerial life
Courses included

Six Courses and One Mandatory Elective

The Certificate in Biblical Studies is a program that is scheduled to be completed within a 12 to 15-month period covering aspects of the Christian faith, theological topics, church history and ministerial ethics.

Certificate in Bible Studies

The Certificate in Biblical Studies is a program that is scheduled to be completed within a 12 to 15-month period covering aspects of the Christian faith, theological topics, church history and ministerial ethics.